Webinar: Steve Dalton on answering the "why" question in job interviews

DATE: Thursday 4 November 2021
TIME: 19:00-20:00 Paris time

Throughout the recruitment process, and in every job interview, you run into “Why?” questions: Why this industry? This company?  This role? Most of us struggle to answer well, leaving recruiters unsure about our fit and motivation.

In this webinar, Steve Dalton (author of The 2-Hour Job Search and more recently The Job Closer) explains why these innocuous “Why?” questions matter so much, why normal “low content” responses don’t work and how to answer in a way that reassures your interviewer and distinguishes you from other candidates.

Steve’s RAC formula (Reason-Anecdote-Connection) allows you to use Why questions to your advantage by telling a unique story that connects you to a potential employer.  

In this webinar, we will take a deep dive into this formula (bonus – it also works great for cover letters) and discuss:

  • How many reasons to give, what to focus on and how long to talk;
  • The three characteristics of a good answer to a why question (hint: think authentic, specific, informed);
  • How to make a great impression without selling yourself or being phony;
  • How to generate a great long list of reasons to use for Why questions;
  • How to answer with stories which are memorable and persuasive.
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Unlimited access for Audencia students and alumni
We are delighted to offer all Audencia students and alumni access to a library of careers webinars featuring world-class management thinkers like Steve Dalton, Dorie Clark and Julian Birkinshaw.

All Audencia alumni and students now have unlimited access to the portal which includes:
  • Advice on, job-hunting and interviewinginternational and portfolio careers and how to be a better boss
  • Videos optimised for mobiles and tablets
  • Unlimited – free online access to all Audencia students and alumni
Register for your individual account here: https://www.AlumniExtra.com/audencia/