Go International



12:45 - 13:45 CONFERENCE WITH ALUMNI - International opportunities as career accelerators

Catherine Herau (GE 1991) CFO for Latin America at Veolia based in Buenos Aires
Jessica Giuliani (GE 2013) CFO South Cone for Airbus, (Chile, Uruguay, Argentine), based in Chile 
Samuel Jeanblanc (GE 2014) Regional Manager for Google Maps in North Asia (Japan, Greater China, Korea), based in Singapore, awaiting his transfer to Tokyo.

Whether you are at the beginning or the middle of your professional journey, an international experience is a great way of moving your career onwards and upwards. The panel of alumni for this edition of Go International all have something to share about working outside their home country. Come and join them for a plenary session followed by workshops for insights on how an international career can work for you and what next steps you should be thinking about now.

Link to connect

14:00 - 15:15 Building careers abroad focusing on Asia, Google maps with Samuel Jeanblanc (GE 2014)

A 7-year Googler, Samuel Jeanblanc is the Regional Manager for Google Maps in North Asia (Japan, Greater China, Korea). Prior to this role, Samuel was the Market Lead for Google Philippines for 3 years. Samuel is an active angel investor and startup mentor across South-East Asia. He is an Audencia alum - GE 2014. He has lived in 14 countries, across Europe, North America, and Asia. He is currently based in Singapore, awaiting his transfer to Tokyo. He will talk to you about building careers abroad with a special focus on Asia. If you are looking to find internships and jobs at Google, he will share with you crucial company information (company culture, recruitment process, etc) which will help you prepare better.

Working at Google, from Ireland to Singapore to Japan
Google's Samuel Jeanblanc (GE '14) will share the lessons he learned working across the globe and scaling Google's business across Asia.
Samuel will share:
- His journey from joining Audencia onwards
- What it means to work in Tech and in Asia today
- Top tips for students looking to have an international career

Click here to join

14:00 - 15:15 International careers in Finance: focus on Latin America

Join Catherine Herau (GE 1991) CFO  for Latin America at Veolia based in Buenos Aires and Jessica Giuliani (GE 2013) CFO South Cone* for Airbus based in Chile for a discussion about international careers in Finance with a special focus on Latin America. From dream to reality, they will share some facts and tips and answer questions to help you assess:
* How a finance career abroad can be built
* Explore the Latin American market

Link to connect: Here

*South Cone= Chile, Uruguay, Argentine

15:30 - 16:45 Le Volontariat International en Entreprise/Administration (VIE/VIA) présenté par Business France et Altios International

Pourquoi faire un VIE ? Quand faire un VIE/VIA ? Qui est éligible ? Quels postes ? Quelles entreprises? Quels pays? Quels avantages? Où trouver les annonces ?
Venez poser vos questions à Hélène Baillon de Business France et Patrick Ferron (MBA 1994) dirigeant de ALTIOS International.

Nous retrouvons 2 invités qui viendront témoigner de leur expérience en tant que VIE.
Alphonse Reynes (GE 2018) ex V.I.E au Canada chez Moët Hennessy
Fouzia Mohamed, VIE chez Altios International à DUBAI.

Le V.I.E/V.I.A : un programme d’exception proposé par la France, accélérateur de carrière à l’international, permettant à tout  jeune de l’Espace Economique Européen de moins de 29 ans de partir pour une mission professionnelle à l’étranger en bénéficiant d’un cadre simple et sécurisant. 

L'atelier sera en français. Lien de l'atelier 

**Vous pouvez être volontaire si vous remplissez les 5 conditions suivantes :

  • Avoir entre 18 et 28 ans à la date de l'inscription. Le départ en mission s'effectue au plus tard le jour du 29ème anniversaire. Au-delà, aucune dérogation n'est accordée.
  • Être français ou ressortissant d'un pays de l'Espace économique européen (EEE): Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède
  • Être en règle avec les obligations de service national (journée de défense et de citoyenneté)
  • Jouir de vos droits civiques (droit de vote et avoir un casier judiciaire vierge)
  • Remplir les conditions d'aptitude physique exigées pour les personnes exerçant des activités de même nature dans l'organisme d'accueil


15:30 - 16:45 Paranthèse - Kick starting your career in the USA

Looking to go to the US for internships? Come meet with Parentheses. They will give you more info on J-1 visas, which are open to all nationalities! Find out how to find your paid internship or training, what careers are hot right now in the US, and much more! Come and meet the J-1 experts. We do one thing and we do it well and that is sending students to the US!

Link to join the conference: Here

15:30 - 16:45 ESPAUK - Internship opportunities in the UK since Brexit

If you looking to find opportunities in the UK, come meet European Student Placement Agency (ESPA). With its head office is based in the UK, they provide high-quality internships with companies in the UK and Ireland. Their internships are a minimum of 6 months and cover a huge range of opportunities that correspond with students’ course requirements. The companies they work with vary from large MNC's to fast-growing start-ups in wide-ranging sectors. 

The companies they work with vary from large MNC's to fast-growing start-ups in wide-ranging sectors. Come meet them to understand how to apply to the UK market and discover potential opportunities post Brexit.

Link to connect