Online reunion: full-time MBA class of 2014
It's catching on!
First it was the class of 2009 and now it's the turn of the full-time MBA alumni of 2014.
They live on four different continents but they have kept in touch since graduation.
The MBA class of 2014 is going live for an alumni conversation on Thursday 27 January at 18:30 Paris time.
If you are an alum or former exchange student of this cohort,
First it was the class of 2009 and now it's the turn of the full-time MBA alumni of 2014.
They live on four different continents but they have kept in touch since graduation.
The MBA class of 2014 is going live for an alumni conversation on Thursday 27 January at 18:30 Paris time.
If you are an alum or former exchange student of this cohort,
Join via zoom
(ID & passcode in your cohort conversation on LinkedIn)
(ID & passcode in your cohort conversation on LinkedIn)

Date limite d'inscriptionjeudi 27 janvier 2022 à 00:00
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