Afterwork in New York, USA
Audencia's Executive MBA class are coming to the USA for their learning trip!
Come and join them to mingle and network at an informal afterwork gathering.
Date: Thursday 9 June
Time: from 18:00
Venue: HOWM Cocina & Cocktails, 518 West 27th Street, New York 10001
Come and join them to mingle and network at an informal afterwork gathering.
Date: Thursday 9 June
Time: from 18:00
Venue: HOWM Cocina & Cocktails, 518 West 27th Street, New York 10001

Date limite d'inscriptionjeudi 9 juin 2022 à 00:00
Périmètre géographiqueInternational
LieuHOWM Cocina & Cocktails
518 W 27th St
New York
NY 10001
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