CCI France Chine Event: [International Women's Day] HeForShe Roundtable

On 8 March, CCI FRANCE CHINE will be hosting a mixed gender roundtable with empowered leaders, stepping forward every day, with tangible commitments towards gender equality.
HeForShe, the Global Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality, launched by United Nations Women, is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible, and united force for gender equality.
This roundtable will initiate dialogues on women in modern society, their accomplishments, and their impact on businesses and social environments.
What a better way to celebrate International Women's Day than having men and women working together for a more equal world? Learn more about the HeForShe movement here:
Panel list

Moderated by

- 6:00pm: Welcoming of the participants
- 6:30pm: Beginning of the roundtable
- 7:30pm: Q&A
- 8:00pm: Cocktail & Networking
Date: Wednesday, 8 March
Time: From 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Registration: Scan the QR Code or click here
Fees: Free, reserved to Audencia Alumni & CCI FRANCE CHINE members for on-site attendance
Venue: The event will be held in person in CCI FRANCE CHINE offices in:
- Beijing - CCI FRANCE CHINE Beijing Office, Suites 201-222, 2F, Building 81, No 4 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, P.R.C
- Shanghai - CCI FRANCE CHINE Shanghai Office, 2/F Mayfair Tower, 83 Fu Min Road, Shanghai 200040, P.R.C
- Guangzhou - CCI FRANCE CHINE Guangzhou Office, 8/F Leatop Plaza,32 Zhujiang East Road, Guangzhou 510623, P.R.C
This event is also available as a webinar. The connecting processes will be sent by email after registration.
Language: English
Datele mercredi 8 mars 2023 de 18:00 à 21:00
(le mercredi 8 mars 2023 de 11:00 à 14:00 Heure de Paris) -
Date limite d'inscriptionmercredi 8 mars 2023 à 00:00
Périmètre géographiqueInternational
LieuBeijing - CCI FRANCE CHINE Beijing Office, Suites 201-222, 2F, Building 81, No 4 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, P.R.C
Shanghai - CCI FRANCE CHINE Shanghai Office, 2/F Mayfair Tower, 83 Fu Min Road, Shanghai 200040, P.R.C
Guangzhou - CCI FRANCE CHINE Guangzhou Office, 8/F Leatop Plaza,32 Zhujiang East Road, Guangzhou 510623, P.R.C