French Aussie drinks in Melbourne, Australia
French Aussie drinks in Melbourne!
French Aussie Drinks were created in March 2017 by Karine Pham and Xavier Heyman in Sydney.
Karine and Xavier initially wanted to network with the French Australian business community and to meet new people.
Then, they gathered other organisations such as the French Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FACCI), the French Australian Lawyers Society (FALS), French Business School Alumni in Australia (FBSAA), Business France, Le Courrier Australien & L'Union des Français à l'Etranger (UFE) to run the event on the last Thursday of every other month*.
French Aussie Drinks are organised in Melbourne and Sydney.
French Aussie Drinks is about networking, about people, about meeting new people.
The event is free and everyone is welcome; but you must register before attending. Note that drinks and food are payable at the bar ($10 for alcoholic drinks and $6 for non-alcoholic drinks)
To contact the founders Karine Pham & Xavier Heyman :
As of today, French Aussie Drinks are proudly supported by Business France, FACCI, FALS, FBSAA, Le Courrier Australien and Union des Français à l'Etranger.
*Due to public holidays, French Aussie Drinks (Melbourne) is exceptionally scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month!
Date limite d'inscriptionjeudi 19 septembre 2019 à 00:00
Périmètre géographiqueInternational
LieuSofitel on Collins
Atrium Bar on 35, Level 35
25 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
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