Audencia Alumni Around the World - 25 March to 1 April 2021
In 2021, Audencia is preparing to go online for a virtual "Around the World" tour to highlight the diversity and dynamism of its international chapters around the globe.
It may be online (for this year only), but it can be fun. The Audencia Alumni team continues to support its ambassadors in France around the globe to help them to keep the connection going with their communities. We are being innovative, creative and daring and hope to bring alumni worldwide an antidote to online meetings! Around the World will be a week of experimenting new ways of interacting.
On the agenda so far:
Send us a message if you have an idea for your alumni community. And, if you don't have a community, perhaps this is the moment to create one.
To discover other cities which are hosting an Around the World event, click on the image below
Audencia Foundation's call for solidarity
Now, more than ever, our international students are in need of critical financial support.
Make a donation during AATW to help pay living expenses for a struggling student.
Your donation, in any amount, shows your solidarity with our students who are building the world of tomorrow.
Our network is our greatest strength!
For more information
Around the World photo booth
Drop by, create your avatar, take your picture, send it/share it, and feature on the group photo that will be published at the end of the event!
Follow this link
- When: from Thursday 25 March to Thursday 1 April
- Where: from your armchair, wherever you are around the world
- What: from an informal networking session to an escape game or a musical quizz, Audencia's alumni team (Nushad, Laetitia, Hélène & Katie) are ready to support ambassadors in bringing events to their community.
It may be online (for this year only), but it can be fun. The Audencia Alumni team continues to support its ambassadors in France around the globe to help them to keep the connection going with their communities. We are being innovative, creative and daring and hope to bring alumni worldwide an antidote to online meetings! Around the World will be a week of experimenting new ways of interacting.
On the agenda so far:
- Thursday 25 March: Launch event, live from Nantes and Paris (all will be revealed soon)
- Friday 26 March: Networking in Algiers, city quizzin New York
- Saturday 27 March: Bowling in Sydney
- Monday 29 March: Happy hour outside in Hong Kong
- Tuesday 30 March: City tour in Dublin, networking in Luxembourg
- Thursday 1 April: City tour in Paris and wrap-up
Send us a message if you have an idea for your alumni community. And, if you don't have a community, perhaps this is the moment to create one.
To discover other cities which are hosting an Around the World event, click on the image below
Don't go yet!
We have two more messages to share with you:
We have two more messages to share with you:
Audencia Foundation's call for solidarity

Now, more than ever, our international students are in need of critical financial support.
Make a donation during AATW to help pay living expenses for a struggling student.
Your donation, in any amount, shows your solidarity with our students who are building the world of tomorrow.
Our network is our greatest strength!
Around the World photo booth
Drop by, create your avatar, take your picture, send it/share it, and feature on the group photo that will be published at the end of the event!
Follow this link

Galeries de photos
Date limite d'inscriptionjeudi 25 mars 2021 à 00:00
Communautés liéesAudencia Abroad
Germany - Munich
Canada - Montreal/Toronto/Vancouver
Japan - Tokyo
USA - New York
Ireland - Dublin
Spain - Madrid
China - Hong Kong
Switzerland - Zurich
UK - London
Peru - Lima
Switzerland - Geneva/Lausanne
China - Chengdu
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City
Chile - Santiago de Chile
Belgium - Brussels
Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Australia - Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane
UAE - Dubai
China - Shanghai
China - Beijing
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Morocco - Casablanca/Rabat
China - Shenzhen
USA - San Francisco Bay Area | Los Angeles | San Diego
USA - Miami
Ivory Coast
South Korea
Algeria - Algiers
Philippines - Manila
Denmark - Copenhagen
Internationals in France
DOM-TOM - French overseas departments & territories