Audencia Around the World 2021: the journey continues in London
Audencia Around the World: the journey continues to London
What has been happening in the English music scene?Does that song sound familiar?
Join the London chapter for a fun and informal music quiz! You'll get to set up a team of 3-5 people beforehand (for the competitive spirits out there, here's a hint: make your team intergenerational, you'll have more chances of winning the quiz)
- Date: Wednesday 31 March 2021
- Time: from 19:00 LONDON time // 20:00 PARIS time
- Venue: Online (register now and we'll we'll send you the link)
To discover other cities which are hosting an Around the World event, click on the image below
Don't go yet!
We have two more messages to share with you:
We have two more messages to share with you:
Audencia Foundation's call for solidarity

Now, more than ever, our international students are in need of critical financial support.
Make a donation during AATW to help pay living expenses for a struggling student.
Your donation, in any amount, shows your solidarity with our students who are building the world of tomorrow.
Our network is our greatest strength!
Around the World photo booth
Drop by, create your avatar, take your picture, send it/share it, and feature on the group photo that will be published at the end of the event!
Follow this link

Date limite d'inscriptionmercredi 31 mars 2021 à 00:00
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