Audencian gathering at CES Las Vegas, USA

On the first leg of their learning expedition, six Audencia students are coming to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show.
They will be accompanied by Audencia alumni and staff, including :
- Valérie Claude-Gaudillat (Director of Innovation)
- Florence Alix-Gravellier (Head of Alumni Relations)
- Marine Jegu (Development Officer)
- Michaël Thoby (ExecMBA 13)
- Lucie Gouanelle (GE 98 - San Francisco Chapter Ambassador)
- François Macé (GE 79)
Whether you live in Las Vegas full-time or are passing through for CES, just as Flavie Lorre (GE 98 - President of Audencia Alumni Association and Sanofi Business Intelligence Diabetes), this will be a great opportunity to get together, share impressions of the event and speed up those business connections.
Date: Thursday 10 January
- Time: 6.30pm
- Venue: the Venitian (exact seating area to be confirmed via WhatsApp)
If you'd like to join the Audencia Alumni group, please reach out to Marine Jegu, by email ( including your name, firstname, cellphone number so we can add you to the Audencia in Vegas Whatsapp group and provide you with all details regarding this event.
Date limite d'inscriptionjeudi 10 janvier 2019 à 00:00
Périmètre géographiqueInternational
LieuThe Dorsey Bar
The Venitian Hotel
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