Webinar : Understanding and using your strengths in challenging times

Come join our expert Dr. Manuelle Charbonneau (GE 84) who has over 25 years of experience in leadership and career transition coaching.

In this webinar, she will help you:

  • Learn what Character Strengths are and how to spot them in yourself and others
  • Understand your unique combination of Signature Strengths
  • Apply your Signature Strengths to your everyday life and work to flourish, even in challenging times

This webinar is based on positive psychology and the research-based VIA Character Strengths assessment. It will help you increase your confidence and help you live a more engaged and fulfilling life and career.

NOTE: This is an interactive webinar for Audencia students and alumni. Before the webinar, participants must complete the 15 minute free questionnaire using this link. (Create an account on this website, take the test and get your results). 

Webinar organised by your career center.


ZOOM LINK : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89430433743?pwd=eW8yUytKTmFDV3ZXWHErWGh0T0hXUT09 
Meeting ID: 894 3043 3743
Passcode: 406504
About the speaker
Manuelle Charbonneau is a business psychology and leadership development expert, founder of Charbonneau Leadership Consulting.
  • In English: www.charbonneauleadership.com
  • In French: www.conseilcharbonneauleadership.com
She is about connecting and applying intelligent and leading edge methods to the real and pressing challenges of leaders and their organizations. This means working with super smart people, typically C-level, senior leaders, partners and high potentials who need to grow their capabilities to the next level.
Manuelle works particularly well with:
  • C-suite, senior leaders, partners and high potentials in professional services firms
  • Global executives and leaders in the Euro-North American space, including the complex US-French space
  • Exceptionally talented individuals at all levels in expertise-intensive and high complexity environments
Leadership transitions require thinking differently, behaving differently, speaking differently, influencing across boundaries and cultures, managing politics and operations, managing one's emotions and stress...other than that, piece of cake!
Although her clients come from a variety of sectors (high tech, luxury, pharmaceutical, biotech, aerospace, consumer goods, utilities, energy, fashion, telecom, defense, academia, government, non-profits and startups), her focus at this time is on developing leaders in expertise-intensive and high complexity environments.
She is bilingual and bicultural American/French, and coaches and consults internationally with leaders and teams in both English and French, in person or through videoconferencing technology. 
  • Date
    du mardi 2 février 2021 à 18:00 au jeudi 13 mars 2025 à 18:04
  • Date limite d'inscription
    mardi 2 février 2021 à 07:00
  • Modalité