Alumni in Phnom Penh hope to reschedule their Around the World event soon
- Get Involved
- Le 15 avril 2020
After a first degree in Economics and Management from the University of Lyon II, Seang joined Audencia’s International Master in Management programme. He then returned to his native Cambodia where he works in the field of finance. He is currently Senior Manager of Retail Deposit at Prince Bank Plc.
A francophone as well as a Francophile, Seang keeps up with current events in France through French news channels such as TF1. He also reads Ouest France, a daily newspaper focusing on western France, which gives him all the latest news from Nantes. “I’m looking forward to putting the Phnom Penh chapter on the map as soon as it is safe to do so,” he concludes.
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Palmarès BC100 : faites d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante !
Un palmarès qui vise à distinguer les 100 personnalités et/ou projets les plus inspirants du monde des Grandes Ecoles. Business Cool, le site de référence des étudiants des Grandes Ecoles, lance le BC100, un palmarès qui vous permettra de voter pour vos personnalités ou projets favoris et faire d'Audencia l'institution la plus inspirante ! Les candidats seront distingués dans diverses catégories : - Projet pédagogique - Sport - Humanitaire - Projet personnel - Entrepreneuriat - Artistique - Développement durable - Personnalité influente - Membre de l’administration - Hors catégorie (les profils les plus atypiques) - Trajectoire inspirante et diversité Un prix du public viendra aussi récompenser le ou la candidat(e) qui obtiendra le plus de votes en ligne ! Nombreux sont les talents à Audencia ! Etudiants, membres de l'administration, projets, associations : ce palmarès est l’occasion de faire la promotion de personnalités et d’initiatives exceptionnelles et d’inspirer un maximum de personnes en France comme à l’international ! Ce BC100 est aussi une formidable opportunité de faire rayonner notre institution au sein du monde des Grandes Ecoles ! Dès maintenant et jusqu’au 15 avril, nous vous invitons à distribuer, chaque jour, 5 crédits aux projets et/ou personnalités d’Audencia les plus méritants ! A la clé ? 6000 euros pour les meilleurs projets ! Je vote !
- Get Involved
- Le 23 mars 2020
LEX Silicon Valley : retour d'expérience
Besoin d’évasion ? La Fondation Audencia vous emmène dans ses bagages, direction les Etats-Unis, la Silicon Valley & le CES de Las Vegas ! Concoctée avec l’aide précieuse de la Fondation et des alumni d’Audencia, la Learning Expedition – CES/Silicon Valley s’est déroulée du 8 au 15 janvier 2020. Les thèmes abordés ? L’entrepreneuriat et l’innovation, avec un groupe de 9 étudiants : 6 en formation initiale et 3 en formation continue. Retour sur les objectifs pédagogiques, les coups de cœur et quelques zooms sur l’apprentissage… Découvrir la brochure
- Get Involved
- Le 21 avr. 2020
Autres actualités
Xu Xiaolan in Shenzhen: at first I was anxious & full of anger but I've learnt to be more optimistic
Xu 'Laurence' Xiaolan (EIBM 14) is a senior consultant at Ernst & Young (China) in Shenzhen. She has been back at work for several weeks now and sees the Covid-19 sitation as having helped her to gain a more positive and optimstic outlook on life in general. How was the situation managed in Shenzhen? In Shenzhen we've been back at work for a few weeks now. People around us are still wearing masks, and, in my opinion, we have to some extent got the situation under control. To a point we have conquered coronavirus. What measures do you think worked the best? Staying at home is the best way to avoid infection. When it’s necessary to go outside, to buy supplies or to get a breath of fresh air, it's good to wear masks and gloves but also to try not to go to crowded places or meet friends and family face to face. When you get back home, remember to wash your hands with soap and put your clothes by an open window to let the air circulate. Plus, prepare some medication for fever or cold, if you don’t feel well, take some pills and drink a lot of hot water firstly. Only go to hospital when it’s really serious. How did you keep in touch with your family and friends during confinement? Internet is best way for us to talk to our family and friends, we could chat with wechat or other apps. It's very important to keep in touch, because talking to our family will make us more calm. What advice would you give to fellow alumni in France who are coming to the end of their fourth week of confinement? I hope fellow alumni don't underestimate this virus or take any unecessary risks. It’s not deadly disease, but the more people get sick, the more others will get contaminated. It's not only the elderly who get sick, middle-aged healthy people get infected too. If you catch the virus, you risk passing it on to others. What did you learn about yourself during this period? I was anxious and full of anger at first during confinement, I was afraid of losing my job or getting infected, but as time went on, I started to realise that I focused too much on daily news about coronavirus, about bad news. When I switched off the news for a few days, I felt better and started to use the time I had to learn some online course. I've learnt to be optimistic about life but also be prepared for the worst. Are there any new habits that you gained during your confinement that you will continue to use? I definitely didn't learn know how to cook, but thanks to internet, I could get all my food online. I guess I didn't gain any good habits but I now will have to start watching my weight!
- Keep In Touch
- Le 10 avr. 2020
Make a good career decision: join the webinar with Patrick McGinnis on 22 April!
We are used to the idea that having options is a good thing. But too many choices, and too much information, can easily get us stuck: we wait so long for a perfect next step that we risk missing out altogether. In this webinar, venture capitalist and author Patrick McGinnis explains how to avoid analysis paralysis and make good decisions about important life and career choices. He will discuss: • How to make, and not regret, big career decisions • How a little FOMO (fear of missing out) can be a good thing) • The value of discarding choices and reducing distractions • Why action trumps options • The 3 simple, yet powerful, techniques to becoming decisive. Patrick will also explore how to become more decisive in general and learn to commit to what you want (and have the courage to miss out on the rest). Date: Wednesday 22 April Time: 19:30-20:30 (Paris time) Audencia has 100 free tickets for students and alumni REGISTER HERE (use code "audstudent" if ticket does not show) All participants will receive Access to the webinar and the chance to ask questions live Catch-up recording of the webinar A bonus materials resource pack including slides and support materials
- Career Center
- Le 16 avr. 2020