Golf Trophy Audencia - juillet 2022
- Get Involved
- Le 18 mars 2022
Golfez, networkez
et relevez le challenge de la Fondation Audencia
avec le soutien de :
Un trophée, plusieurs golfs dans le monde !
Pour la première fois, le Golf Trophy Audencia s'exporte !
Vous résidez ou passez des vacances à Nantes, Paris, Chengdu, Genève, Singapour ?
Inscrivez-vous au golf de votre choix en cliquant sur la ville souhaitée :
12h30 pour les golfeurs / 18h pour le cocktail
Golf de la Vaucouleurs - 709, rue de l'Église - 78910 Civry-la-Forêt
12h30 pour les golfeurs / 18h pour le cocktail
Sichuan Chengdu Languang Guanling Golf
12h30 (heure locale) pour les golfeurs / 18h30 pour le cocktail
9h30 pour les golfeurs / 15h pour le cocktail
Orchid Country Club - 1 Orchid Club Rd, Singapour 769162
8h (heure locale) pour les golfeurs
Une remise des prix mondiale aura lieu en visio-conférence avec l'ensemble des participants de tous les golfs.
[programme à venir]
Formule de jeu solidaire
Sur un 18 trous, des équipes de 3 jouent en formule scramble.
A chaque coup, c’est la meilleure balle des 3 joueurs qui est retenue. Une formule qui permet à chacun de jouer selon son niveau.
La compétition se déroulera au profit de la Fondation Audencia.
>> Constituez vos équipes de 3 avec des golfeurs Alumni d'Audencia ou non Alumni. Le Trophée est ouvert à tous !
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Rithy Huot (MSc IM 12) is part of the Cambodian river cleanup initiative
Rithy Huot (MSc IM 12) is director of department in the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism and one of his roles is to promote the clean and green aspects of his country. On 18 March he saw the launch of the River Cleanup initiative. "My responsibility in this project was to work closely with my partner River Ocean Cleanup to bring the garbage collection boat to Cambodia." The garbage collection boat collects data on the location of a type of waste using drones and AI cameras. It can collect up to 30 tons of rubbish in one day. The campaign to clean Mekong River, Basak River and Sab River will last until June and has three main objectives: Cleaning the riverbank Recycling the waste sustainably Educating residents of the river banks Rithy thinks it fitting that the river cleanup project in Cambodia was launched at the same time as alumni initiatives for Around the World that echo the efforts to make the planet cleaner for future generations. "Hopefully one day our cities will be clean on the ground and in the water", he concludes.
- Get Involved
- Le 17 mars 2022
#Iconic_Audencians: Beauty Manake (MSc FAM 15), Botswana’s first female minister of agriculture
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- Get Involved
- Le 23 mars 2022
Autres actualités
Rithy Huot (MSc IM 12) is part of the Cambodian river cleanup initiative
Rithy Huot (MSc IM 12) is director of department in the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism and one of his roles is to promote the clean and green aspects of his country. On 18 March he saw the launch of the River Cleanup initiative. "My responsibility in this project was to work closely with my partner River Ocean Cleanup to bring the garbage collection boat to Cambodia." The garbage collection boat collects data on the location of a type of waste using drones and AI cameras. It can collect up to 30 tons of rubbish in one day. The campaign to clean Mekong River, Basak River and Sab River will last until June and has three main objectives: Cleaning the riverbank Recycling the waste sustainably Educating residents of the river banks Rithy thinks it fitting that the river cleanup project in Cambodia was launched at the same time as alumni initiatives for Around the World that echo the efforts to make the planet cleaner for future generations. "Hopefully one day our cities will be clean on the ground and in the water", he concludes.
- Get Involved
- Le 17 mars 2022
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