Re-invent your career: join the webinar on 7th December!
- Career Center
- Le 27 novembre 2017
Changing career is difficult. As we develop our skills and build a reputation in one job it seems harder and harder to let go of what we have and take on something new.
In fact, successful career changes don’t abandon either their skills or their personal brand: they find a way to translate and re-invent them. In this webinar Dorie Clark will show how you can leverage your skills in a new role and re-invent yourself professionally.
Leveraging your skills
As we amass experience and expertise at work there is a natural tendency to specialise: we become better and better at doing our particular job but, if we are not careful, less suited to anything else. Nobody wants to “start from scratch”. But change may come whether we like it or not.
In this webinar Dorie Clark will explore:
- How we can leverage our current skills in a new environment
- Different ways of researching a new career path
- How test-drive a new career via “strategic moonlighting”
- How to get help and make contacts in a new sector.
Reinventing yourself
The parallel problem of career change is persuading other people, especially the people you know, that you have changed course. Often those close to us resist: they like us as we are. Choosing the right time to “go public” and crafting a story that makes sense are critical.
In the webinar we will discuss:
- When to talk about a new career
- How to bring your credibility and reputation with you
- How to use social media and content to raise your profile in a new field.
"Don’t miss out on your tickets this time round!", says Shyla du Cosquer, Audencia Careers consultant. "Dorie Clark is an inspirational speaker and tickets to her webinar last year went so quickly that she is back this year by popular demand”.
Audencia is giving away free tickets for students and alumni
Follow this link to register
(don't forget to use the AUDstudent promotional code when registering)!
Dans la même catégorie
Comment donner un nouvel élan à sa carrière professionnelle?
Audencia Career propose un accompagnement aux diplômés expérimentés d’Audencia Business School qui rêvent de changer de job, de mieux utiliser leurs talents et compétences ou bien de se reconvertir. Le temps de l’emploi stable à vie dans la même entreprise est révolu. Le phénomène de reconversion professionnelle est en pleine expansion et les raisons qui y poussent sont nombreuses et propres à chacun. C’est pourquoi les consultantes d’Audencia Career ont imaginé un nouveau parcours pour donner un nouvel élan à sa carrière, construire un nouveau projet professionnel, renforcer sa confiance ou encore trouver du sens dans son travail. Agnès Marchand (Responsable pôle Audencia Careers, Audencia Business School), Catherine Chavigny (GE 89 - Coach, Formatrice, Consultante RH, Fondatrice de 3C & Cie) et Claire Onghena (GE 98 - Coach, Formatrice, Consultante Management & Confiance en soi, Fondatrice de CCO Coaching for Clarity) ont conçu ce parcours Nouvel Elan pour vous aider à définir, tester et déployer vos projets professionnels. INSCRIPTION Au programme : Apprendre à bien se connaître pour faire les bons choix, en identifiant les motivations, les préférences et les forces distinctives "ce que je suis" Définir les possibilités d’évolution "ce que je veux être" Se positionner sur 3 cibles professionnelles pour développer des contacts réseau et mettre au point un plan d’action "ce que je fais faire" S’avoir utiliser l'entretien réseau pour approfondir ses pistes et ajuster son projet Construire un pitch inspirant et unique Définir un plan d'action de mise en oeuvre et s’y engager en identifiant les étapes Donner du relief à ses outils de communication : CV Pitch 3’, profil Linked In, ... Gagner en impact et en conviction dans son personnal branding lors des entretiens Avec des outils et méthodes de travail qui ont fait leurs preuves : Réflexion sur soi appuyée sur des tests reconnus (MBTI, STRONG) Atelier interactif en groupe de 6 à 12 personnes Entretien individuel Simulation d’entretien Feedbacks du groupe et des spécialistes du recrutement Alternance de travail en groupe, en individuel et entretien Rendez-vous les 4 et 5 décembre 2017 puis les 25 et 26 janvier 2018 de 8h30 à 17h30 sur le campus Audencia Paris (95 rue Falguière – 15è arr.). Inscrivez-vous vite !
- Career Center
- Le 22 nov. 2017
IMM alumnus, Robert Bowen, submits his PhD thesis
On his Twitter account he describes himself as a lecturer but also as a researcher on “food and drink SMEs and place-based marketing, a linguist and a touch rugby player/referee.” Robert Bowen, IMM 12, has just submitted his PhD thesis to Aberystwyth University in Wales. His field of study is international entrepreneurship and his PhD focuses on a comparative study of the internationalisation of food and drink SMEs in Wales and Brittany. Robert first came to Nantes in 2004 as an Erasmus student from Cardiff University in Wales. “Nantes has a strong connection with Cardiff” he says “it was logical to go there”. He stayed in Nantes for 7 years, teaching English at the university and the chamber of commerce, before enrolling on the IMM programme at Audencia. While studying at Audencia, Robert’s interest for entrepreneurship defined itself and became the driver for his next career move, a PhD. “After my IMM, I went back to Wales and started teaching and research for my PhD at Aberystwyth.” 4 years, 85,166 words and 404 pages later, his PhD became a reality. “It’s opened up new opportunities for me” Robert says. “I have a new position as Lecturer at Swansea University and my connection with Audencia came full circle when I was invited back to the school to teach a course on marketing to students of the IMM programme.” Congratulations Robert for reaching this milestone. We are looking forward to hearing that you have successfully defended your thesis (January/February 2018) and to seeing you soon in the classrooms of Audencia!
- Career Center
- Le 13 déc. 2017
Autres actualités
Lancement de l'Ebdo, journal papier à l'ère du numérique
Rencontre avec l'équipe de l'Ebdo le mardi 28 novembre au Mediacampus. Ebdo, c’est un journal papier à l’ère du numérique, sans publicité et totalement indépendant. Le premier numéro sortira le 12 janvier 2018, disponible en kiosque et sur abonnement. Ebdo parlera de l'actualité mais aussi des choses du quotidien et des initiatives solidaires, pour nous donner envie de faire avec nos mains et d'agir avec les autres. A l’occasion d’une soirée conçue en partenariat avec le Club de la Presse de Nantes et Audencia Business School, venez rencontrer l’équipe fondatrice d’Ebdo pour débattre des grandes questions du journalisme. Qu’attendez-vous d’Ebdo ? Pourquoi faire le choix du papier ? Quel business model ? Quelle place accorder au numérique ? En quoi Ebdo peut-il ré-enchanter le journalisme et redonner confiance aux médias ? Autant de questions à poser directement à l’équipe présente sur le MEDIACAMPUS d’Audencia le 28 novembre ! Inscription par ici.
- Keep In Touch
- Le 24 nov. 2017
Bringing students together, sharing a sense of pride – organising ICF, the intercultural festival
Prathiba, IMM student, talks about her experience organising ICF 2017 Prathiba Koorapati Lakshmipathy, IMM 19, arrived at Audencia last September and in the first few weeks attended an information session about ICF, Audencia’s annual intercultural festival organised by students. “At first I just wanted to volunteer to do some dancing” she says, ”but very soon I got involved in planning the event itself and ended up organising the event". The biggest challenge was convincing fellow students to work for the event. “As I am new to Audencia and its culture, it was difficult for me to reach out people" Prathiba says. "I was lucky to have the support of the school", she continues. Prathiba stresses that the success of the event is not hers alone and give a special mention to fellow student Arjun Carmelino. When the big day came Prathiba was quite relaxed and even had time to enjoy herself. She spent time going round the stands and talking to participants. For Prathiba, the highlight was definitely the salsa dancing. “Seeing students from so many different nationalities all dancing together felt really good – a great achievement”. Prathiba hopes to come to ICF again next year, just before she graduates. “For the 2018 edition, I would love to see more acts and more involvement from French students” she says.
- Get Involved
- Le 29 nov. 2017