#Iconic_Audencians: Vincent Roux, GE 04, the entrepreneur who pays it forward
- Keep In Touch
- Le 21 mai 2021
Vincent Roux, Grande Ecole 2004, serial entrepreneur and super connector
A quick glance at Vincent Roux’ flawless CV and you might picture him as the stereotypical ambitious whizz kid turned daredevil business shark, with a flashy lifestyle and Silicon Valley in his visor. Except there is so much more to this man than what comes up on his LinkedIn profile. Whoever sits down for a coffee with him is struck by his profound humanity. He makes business rhyme with balance and wellness. A devoted family man, most days he is at home by 6.30pm. He is a prominent local figure, deeply rooted in the Atlantic region (“Nantes, the new Silicon Valley, but with a better lifestyle”), and a long-term ally of Audencia. He spends a large part of his day giving pro-bono advice to junior entrepreneurs and he lives and breathes the “purpose before profit” mantra.
Vincent speaks to us from the heart about the hidden sides of entrepreneurship, his obsession with giving back, and why he believes stereotypes about entrepreneurs are detrimental to our society.

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#Iconic_Audencians: Estelle Nze Minko, SciencesCom 15, the gamechanger
Estelle Nze Minko, SciencesCom 2015, professional handball player, entrepreneur What first impresses when we meet Estelle Nze Minko, the centre back for the France women’s national handball team, is her extrovert, rebellious, and uncompromising nature. However, it also doesn’t take long to discover her insecure, sensitive, and compassionate side. Estelle won the World Championships in 2017, the Euros in 2018, and a silver medal at the 2016 Olympics. She plays for Györ in Hungary, the holy grail for handball players. So clearly, her vulnerabilities have not prevented her from excelling in her discipline. Yet her nuanced and complex personality clashes with the spirit of the ruthless winning machine that pro athletes are expected to embrace. Estelle has become increasingly frustrated with the stereotype of “the perfect athlete”, and she has started to use her notoriety to break a taboo or two. One of the myths, which Estelle doesn’t buy into, is that elite athletes should be obsessed by their sport, and their sport only. So last year, Estelle launched her startup, The V Box. “But I don’t want to be associated with those football players who invest in a fancy shisha bar, just to make a quick buck… if you see what I mean!” She stresses that for her, this venture is an adventure more than a business. A modern feminist, this entrepreneur is shattering the old marketing notion that beauty is the only topic that women care about, by designing a new generation of gift boxes. Estelle - who graduated from Audencia SciencesCom, finds the world of media both daunting and fascinating. She tells us how the art of communicating has proven essential both to her entrepreneurial success, and to her attempt to shift the lines in the world of elite sports. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni To mark Audencia’s 120th anniversary in 2020, we have launched our very first iconic alumni collection. Each year we will showcase the amazingly diverse profiles and career paths of Audencians from around the globe. The ten alumni that you will discover in the following pages have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover the first 10 portraits here
- Keep In Touch
- Le 14 mai 2021
#Iconic_Audencians: Amal Abdulqader, MBA 12, a life story stranger than fiction
Amal Abdulqader, MBA 2012, Multicultural Liaison Officer Amal hesitated before agreeing to an interview for our iconic alumni series. “I wasn’t sure that my profile would be a good fit because my story is messy, with some ups, but also lots of downs.” She came on board when she realised that it would allow her to look back on her odyssey and document her journey to date. Amal’s itinerary has taken her from Yemen to Malaysia, the USA and now Canada where she new works for the immigration services organisation, which assists newcomers. Raised in conservative Yemen where girls were destined to marry early and become housewives, Amal’s career has been admirable; it is the desire to make a difference that has driven her from a young age. Against all odds and facing objections raised by some of her relatives, Amal went into higher education thanks to prestigious “high potential” scholarships and came out with two master’s degrees. With a war-torn country as a backdrop, she studied for an MBA at Audencia, then returned home to hold a high-profile role in the (later aborted) peaceful political transition process, later being hired by the UN. Amal’s journey is a testament to her strength of character. We have grown accustomed to narratives where the selfless hero is rewarded with a happy ending. But Amal ended up in exile and recent years have proved bittersweet. Amal’s life, like that of millions of other migrants, outstrips fiction. We are profoundly grateful to Amal for sharing it with us. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni To mark Audencia’s 120th anniversary in 2020, we have launched our very first iconic alumni collection. Each year we will showcase the amazingly diverse profiles and career paths of Audencians from around the globe. The ten alumni that you will discover in the following pages have very generously given up their time for an interview with fellow alumna, Katia Hérault (GE 2001), for which we are immensely grateful. Discover the first 10 portraits here
- Keep In Touch
- Le 28 mai 2021
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Postulez pour intégrer l’incubateur Centrale Audencia Ensa "Promotion été 2021"
L’incubateur Centrale-Audencia-Ensa recherche sa prochaine promotion pour son programme qui démarre début septembre. Si vous êtes un porteur de projet ou un entrepreneur et souhaitez développer votre startup early stage dans un écosystème dynamique, technologique et innovant, alors n’hésitez plus et candidatez avant le 23 juin 2021 ! CANDIDATEZ > Pourquoi intégrer l’incubateur Centrale-Audencia-Ensa ? Bénéficier d’un programme d'accompagnement adapté à la maturité de votre projet et d’expertises d’excellence pour développer votre startup Avoir à disposition un espace de travail dans un cadre privilégié au coeur de Centrale Nantes Être connecté avec les réseaux Alumni de l’incubateur et des Écoles. Plus généralement avec notre écosystème entrepreneurial riche et nos partenaires Être connecté avec les programmes de formation et de recherche des Écoles QUI PEUT CANDIDATER ? Vous êtes étudiant, diplômé, enseignant-chercheur de l'une des trois écoles de l’Alliance ou porteur de projet susceptible de valoriser l’expertise des établissements Vous avez un projet innovant et une équipe dédiée Votre activité est domiciliée en Pays de la Loire INFOS CLES Startups hébergées sur le Campus Centrale Nantes jusqu’à 36 mois Gratuit pour les fondateurs Deux comités de sélection par an, composés d'experts et de représentants des trois écoles Alors, intéressés ? N’attendez plus et remplissez le dossier de candidature ! Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? Participez au webinaire de présentation de l’incubateur avec un retour d’expérience de startups accompagnées : conférence le 2 juin de 18h à 19h, inscriptions ICI. Vous avez d’autres questions par rapport au dispositif ? L’équipe vous répond : contact@incubateurcae.com Découvrez l'incubateur en vidéo
- Business
- Le 19 mai 2021
Taxe d'apprentissage : J-8 afin de soutenir Audencia
Madame, Monsieur, Il vous reste désormais 8 jours pour affecter votre taxe d'apprentissage à un établissement d'enseignement supérieur de votre choix. Votre soutien nous permet de poursuivre notre développement et de maintenir un enseignement et un accompagnement de qualité afin que les étudiants intègrent le marché du travail en toute sérénité. Rendez-vous sur notre plateforme pour affecter vos 13%. >> Versez la taxe d'apprentissage de votre société à Audencia ! << En ligne, vous pourrez : Saisir vos coordonnées et celles de votre entreprise Définir votre mode de règlement Valider le formulaire pour recevoir votre intention de versement Procéder à votre règlement en suivant précisément les consignes indiquées sur la plateforme. Pour toute question, contactez Karine Bonnel à taxe@audencia.com.
- Business
- Le 24 mai 2021