#Iconic_Audencians: Gus Reckel (GE 97), itinerary of a banker turned baker
- Business
- Le 19 février 2024
Emmanuel 'Gus' Reckel, GE 1997, Owner & baker, L'Imprimerie, New York
His bearded outline and his part cranky, part rebellious attitude fascinate. Gus Reckel’s outspokenness is a cocktail of Gallic diehard and Wall Street wolf that is necessarily explosive and necessarily intriguing. The result is inimitable and delicious. In the microcosm of “converts”, i.e., those bakers who came to the profession late in life, Gus, the former trader, is a bit of a hero and role model, even if he denies it, preferring his freedom and the right to follow his own path.
L’Imprimerie (The Print Shop) is the name of his bakery nestled in the heart of Bushwick, on the edge of Brooklyn. Gus makes the best pain au chocolat in New York, but he’s not after trophies or fame: Gus has a taste for a job well done. Period!

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Dans la même catégorie
#Iconic_Audencians: Stéphane Dugast (SciencesCom 98), adventure junkie
Stéphane Dugast, SciencesCom 1998, Writer, author, documentary filmmaker & reporter, Paris After graduating from SciencesCom in 1998, Stéphane Dugast quickly embarked on the adventure of the open sea by becoming a reporter for Cols Bleus, the magazine of the French Navy. Although he is a reporter, director, author and lecturer, we could also describe him as a storytelling explorer. Stéphane travels the world bringing home tales of adventure where, in the background, we catch a glimpse the exploits of explorers from Pytheas to Paul-Émile Victor, via Magellan and Jules Verne, who hardly ever left France but whose accounts of Extraordinary Voyages gave rise to so many callings, including Stéphane’s… In a nod to Arthur Rimbaud, one of the many heroes of his youth, we could describe Stéphane Dugast as a ``man with soles of wind``. When we ask him to go back to the sources of this appetite for the unknown, exoticism and the ends of the world, he takes us back to Nantes, between the river Loire and the Sillon de Bretagne, where the young Stéphane first felt the call of distant horizons. Read the full article here Audencia's Iconic Alumni For the third year in a row, we are delighted and proud to showcase 12 new profiles of Audencians from around the globe. The alumni that you will discover have very generously given up their time for an interview for which we are immensely grateful. Discover all the portraits here
- Business
- Le 15 janv. 2024
Donnez un coup de boost à votre projet avec le Concours Audace !
Bonjour à toutes et tous, 🔥 Vous êtes étudiant ou alumni Audencia ? 🔥 Vous montez un projet innovant ou vous avez déjà une jeune entreprise ? 🔥 Vous voulez lui donner de la visibilité et tenter de décrocher un prix ? Découvrez l'édition 2024 et candidatez avant le 1er avril ! La deadline pour candidater était initialement positionnée le 21 mars. Nous avons décidé de laisser plus de temps aux candidats. JE CANDIDATE Le Concours Audace en bref : → 3 catégories : Jeune Pousse, Impact, Alumni (de moins de 5 ans) → 1 Prix du Jury par catégorie → 1 Prix Coup de Coeur du Public → 1 concours de pitchs lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix → De multiples lots à la clé : dotations financières, coaching, heures d’expertises, etc. Dates clés : 1 avril 2024 : Clôture des candidatures 17 avril 2024 : Ouverture du vote du Public en ligne 13 mai 2024 : Fin du vote du public en ligne 22 mai 2024 : Concours de Pitch + soirée de remise des Prix + cocktail ZOOM sur la catégorie Alumni Qui peut candidater ? Les Alumni Audencia de moins de 5 ans Le projet peut être porté seul ou en équipe (celui ou celle qui porte le dossier doit être diplômé d’Audencia) Sur quels critères ? En réorientation de carrière ou projet créé à la sortie de l'école Projet testé ou entreprise créée Comment candidater ? Le formulaire en ligne est à remplir ICI Avec un pitch deck et une courte vidéo de présentation (1’30) En savoir plus Des questions ? Vous pouvez contacter l'équipe du Pôle Entrepreneur via concoursaudace@audencia.com
- Business
- Le 4 mars 2024
Autres actualités
Soirée du Chapter Lyon
Première soirée 2023 ! Il y avait Benjamin de KMPG, un vrai lyonnais (rare) Adrien bientôt diplômé (ingénieur qui plus est), qui a trouvé sa voie - lyonnaise (cyclable) Julie DAF à temps partagé Raphaël arrivé lui juste à temps (trop partagé !) Isabelle qui avait croisé Benjamin dans un précédent cabinet d’audit Et Julie de Reliez-vous Soit une sizaine sur 12 inscrits (faut faire des relances nous a t’on dit !) Autour de ce re-lyons nous sympathique de cette froide soirée de janvier Que dites-vous pour une prochaine date ? Battons le réseau tant qu’il est encore chaud ? Et retrouvons nous fin avril Pour garder le fil sans trop se découvrir ?
- Keep In Touch
- Le 28 janv. 2024
Audencia Around the World 2024: Uniting Alumni through the Power of Sports
In the spirit of camaraderie and global connection, Audencia Alumni proudly announces the highly anticipated 6th edition of Audencia Around the World, which is set to take place from 4 to 24 April. In line with the fervour of an Olympic year, this edition will be on the theme of sports, celebrating athleticism, competition, and the universal values embodied by the Olympic Games. 🌍A Worldwide Reunion: Audencia Around the World serves as a beacon of unity, bringing together alumni from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations. As we navigate the challenges of a rapidly evolving world, the importance of fostering connections and nurturing relationships with fellow Audencians becomes increasingly vital. This edition presents a unique opportunity for alumni to reconnect, reminisce, and forge new bonds around their shared experiences at Audencia. 👨🎓👩🎓 Empowering Ambassadors: Central to the success of Audencia Around the World are the dedicated ambassadors and members of our international chapters spread across the globe. These passionate individuals serve as the driving force behind the organisation of events, ensuring the spirit of Audencia reaches every corner of the world. To facilitate the process, ambassadors and chapter members are invited to organise events in their respective cities, showcasing the vibrant diversity of Audencia's global community. 👋Get Involved: Organising an event for Audencia Around the World is simple and straightforward. Ambassadors and chapter members can easily register their events by filling out the following form https://forms.office.com/e/mKY65xsK6B 💪🎉Celebrating Sportsmanship: With the world's attention turned to the Olympic Games, Audencia Around the World provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the universal appeal of sports. Whether it's organising a friendly soccer match, hosting a sports-themed trivia night, or participating in a virtual fitness challenge, participants are encouraged to embrace the spirit of competition and camaraderie that defines the world of sports. 😎 Looking Ahead: As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of Audencia Around the World 2024, let us reflect on the values that unite us as members of the Audencia Alumni community. From the thrill of victory to the bonds forged through shared experiences, this edition promises to be a celebration of resilience, friendship, and the enduring legacy of Audencia. Mark your calendars, reach out to fellow alumni, and join us as we come together to celebrate the next edition of Audencia Around the World. Whether you're a seasoned organiser or a first-time participant, your involvement is key to making this edition an unforgettable success. 📆 They already saved the date: Amsterdam - 4 April Vienna - 5 April Tokyo - 6 April Mumbai - 6 April Qingdao - 9 April Madrid - 10 April Zurich - 10 April Munich - 11 April Barcelona - 11 April Valencia - 12 April Los Angeles - 13 April Chengdu - 13 April Shanghai - 14 April Baku - 14 April Geneva - 14 April Rome - 17 April Casablanca - 17 April London - 17 April Dublin - 18 April Washington DC - 18 April Miami - 18 April Luxembourg - 18 Avril Singapore - 18 April Montreal - 20 April Shenzhen - 20 April Toronto - 21 April Beijing - 21 April San Francisco - 21 April Riyadh - 22 April Brussels - 23 April Bangkok - 24 April Algiers- 24 April Hong Kong - 25 April Bogota - 25 April New York - 30 April Sao Paulo - 19 May
- Keep In Touch
- Le 29 févr. 2024